WWKIP Day 2019

It’s that time of year again, when crafters get twitchy and start to make nuisances of themselves by coming out of the woodwork and flaunting their skills and beautiful wips under the noses of unsuspecting passers-by. That’s right, it’s World Wide Knit in Public Day.

As is typical for SnB, we included a range of crafts, not just knitting of course. And unusual for us, we actually went to a yarn shop/cafe. In the past, we’ve chosen some unlikely – but fun! – venues (check it out here and here), but this year we kept it casual.

Our destination of choice was the lovely Folklore Yarns in east Belfast, and owner Åsa (pronounced Oh-sa) and her daughter Hannah made us feel right at home. While we munched on a variety of baked treats and sandwiches, she kept the teapots filled and coffee brewing! We had a variety of crafts on display: knitting, crochet, fibre spinning, patchwork and embroidery. Perhaps best of all was Emma Whitehead ‘s tent: a 20+-year project that never fails to amaze crafters and non-crafters alike. It truly is a sight to behold.

There was some Pom-Pom making, cross-stitching, yarn squishing and yarn sniffing too! Some new friends were made, and old ones caught up. And a few skills were passed on too, because what’s the point of a fibre community if you can’t share the love?


Meriel’s first time spinning!


Happy WWKIP Day! 

WWKIPD, 2017: K10tog! — A Million Paper Stars

We were sitting in Starbucks on a cold Wednesday afternoon, as usual. Nikki said, ‘What are we going to do about our anniversary this year?’ In a group of crafters, we all knew she wasn’t talking about her wedding anniversary. She was talking about the anniversary of the year Belfast Stitch n Bitch was formed. […]

via WWKIPD, 2017: K10tog! — A Million Paper Stars

A big weekend

This Saturday is a big weekend for crafters everywhere – its World Wide Knitting in Public Day! While last years WWKIPD was all kinds of funs, this year we thought we’d do something different.

This years event is a double whammy! On one hand, its all about the knitting and crocheting and on the other, its all about Knit 10 Together –  yup, we’re combining WWKIPD and a book launch!

eurpoeThis Saturday we’ll all be heading to The Dock Café for lots of tea and crafting from 12 -5 so even if you can drop in for a few minutes we’d love to meet up with you.



As for this mysterious book launch, its taken on a life of its own (my fault really, lol)  You can get yourself a copy on the day for the princely sum of £10  Here’s a sneaky peek at the cover . If you’ve preordered your copy then yours will be ready and w18879881_10154737594523727_618194383318686984_oaiting for you 🙂

As well as all this, we’ve put together quite an excellent raffle/tombola type thing – pay your money and pull out  a raffle ticket. If your ticket corresponds to a number on a prize then you win. Simples.

So what have we? Well…. we have yarny and non yarny prizes from the following kind folks:

Parlour Yarns, Dye Candy, Mina Loves Designs, Secret Stash, Mourne Archery Centre, NI Big Sock  and Ewe Momma Knits to name but a few.

I’ll be showcasing the prizes every day this week on facebook so go check out the Event Page!

Busy old year…

and the years not even over yet!  We’re gearing up for our first foray into the world of Culture Night. One of our group members, Jo, volunteers for the SOS Bus in Belfast and we thought it would be a nice idea to have the people of Belfast knit blanket strips for the bus which they, or someone they know, might need.


13:00 – 22:00

Knit a bit of a blanket for the SOS bus

Come help us help those who help us and add a row (or twelve) to a blanket for the great people of the SOS bus to use in their good works.

Remember an old skill or learn a new one. We have plenty of experienced knitters on hand to show you what to do and help you make the most of your contribution.

We’re number 65 on the map, thats Royal Avenue near Cafe Nero I believe….you won’t be able to miss us!

This is just one in a long list of things that the group has done this year…we’ve really worked our wee socks off trying to bring the group to the masses!

In March we did the Skill Fair which you can read about here, then we moved straight into making hexi’s for the Big Sock. After a moments rest, we started planning the Voluntary Arts Demo Day and the highlight of the year, World Wide Knitting in Public Day

I’d say that we deserve our trip to Dublin in October to recover for the craziness of the year –  its not every year you’re in the paper and on the radio, it is!  Maybe I’ll take the year off next year to try and work down some of this stash thats threatening to take over…


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